Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Beautiful Nights

The nights have been clear. So i haven't bothered to set up my bivy. I've always enjoyed sleeping outside, and actually feel safer sleeping without a tent, since the tent doesn't add to my security, and without it i can see the things that go bump in the night. In Illinois I watched as a raccoon ran by in the middle of the night. I feel attuned to my surroundings sleeping out, and it is amazing. Getting up with the sun is much easier as well. I barely use my sleeping bag. Though maybe completely wrong I feel my metabolism has increased to were I've turned into this human heater. With the temperatures in the low 60's, I only use my sleeping bag liner that resembles a sheet sewn into tube. It is great except that it doesn't have a zipper and you have to slide into it from one end. I envy the AT through hiker for the readily available sites to sleep undisturbed in the woods.

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