Friday, October 26, 2007

Close call

As i was rolling into camp the park ranger said that the hiker/biker campsite had a tree down in it, though there should still be space. What she omited, that i came to find out as i arrived at the site was that the tree fell last night and crushed a cyclists bicycle. This Sounds like pretty bad luck until you realize that the guy was sleeping within 3 feet of the bicycle when it was crushed by the tree. The gentleman was still in the campsite when i got there and related the story to me. The most amazing thing was that he didn't know that the tree had fallen until some other people came by and said “I guess it wasn't his time.” This sounds amazing but he said he woke to a loud noise, sat for a second and then didn't hear anything else so he went back to sleep. By the time i talked to him he was still shaken and was unsure as to what he should think of the whole experience. It definitely made that days of rain seem like less of an ordeal, i guess all you need is perspective to appreciate what you have.

1 comment:

janashisa said...

Whew! That was close!