Thursday, July 26, 2007


Wi-fi has taken over the world. I'm sitting in a McDonald's writing this. Yes I ate here. Only twice have I succumbed to the fast food temptation. Usually when I get a late start and am just trying to make up miles.
My knee is better, the swelling has gone away and it's not as stiff. The rest helped and Dan gave me some advice that I think is working, about adjusting the cleats on my shoes. To answer Joe's question of diet, I stop at a grocery store at least once a day to pick up food. I've found it difficult to carry much fruit. So I've started to carry canned fruit as well since it doesn't get destroyed in my pack. As to quantity, a couple of days ago I ate a bag of bagels, two yogurts, two bananas, a can of peaches, four puddings, can of tuna, some peanut butter, a bag of powdered sugar covered donuts, and misc other things I could get my hands on. I think the rolling hills in Kentucky are almost as bad as the mountains that preceded them. It's hard to get a rhythm and i think that the road builders in Kentucky just drew a line on the map and started paving. I rode up the steepest hill to date this morning. It was only 100 yards long but it was everything I had just to turn the pedals to the top. The sun something else, and finding shade has become more difficult. It's only going to get worse to. The day after rest days are usually the worst anyway cause it's almost impossible to get a early start out of a motel. Rural motels' prices are amazing though. They don't add taxes either. So when they say $35 that's what they take from you, not another $10 for misc “taxes” that chains seem to be charging. Well back on the bike, I hope this finds everyone well.

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